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Factors Affecting IQ Scores


What affects IQ?

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has always been an issue that sparks debate. IQ measures an individual’s capability to execute cognitive tasks as compared to their peers based on abstract thinking, problem solving and gaining new experiences (Griffin, 2023). Intelligence is a complex network influenced by a diversity of factors. It is widely researched on how these factors affect a child’s intelligence (Jain, 2023). 

These factors are as follows: 

  1. Genetics play an effective role in determining a child’s intelligence. 50 percent of genes are usually inherited from parents and the other 50 percent is due to environmental factors (Fey, 2023). Certain genes have been found to be associated with higher levels of cognitive ability thus resulting in higher IQ (Jain, 2023). 

  2. Prenatal care plays a big bulk in the child’s development as it starts from the womb. It is paramount for mothers to be cautious and should be aware of their stress level, nutrition and overall health during pregnancy. This includes getting regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting sufficient sleep and staying away from drugs, alcohol and tobacco. When too much cortisol is released, it can impede the fetus’s brain from developing. Studies have shown that it is important for mothers to take folic acid supplements during their early pregnancy stages (Cradle Children Hospital, 2023). 

  3. Breastfeeding is crucial. Breast milk is a great source of nutrition for babies. It is best to breastfeed babies up to 6 months as it contains nutrients like DHA and Omega-3 fatty acid which are essential for brain growth leading to higher levels of IQ in later life (Griffin, 2023). 

  4. The environment can either have damaging effects or boosts intelligence levels. Exposure to toxins and environmental deprivation lowers intelligence while having good quality education, mental and physical health can increase intelligence. The first 5 years of a child’s life is crucial for their development. A safe, positive and nurturing environment provides adequate stimulation and learning opportunities for the child to maximize their potential. Good quality education and rich nutrition allows the child to have more intellect (Griffin, 2023). 

  5. In the past people used to think that their child was not born smart but in reality parents help to shape their child’s intelligence. Parents who adopt a growth mindset constantly encourage their child to learn from their mistakes thus leading to better educational outcomes (Fey, 2023). 

Intelligence is linked to brain structure and function which has a large impact on IQ. There is a misconception that larger brains equate to being smarter. However, it is based on the strength of connections between the different brain regions and how they work together. Science has proven that intelligence can grow and constantly nourishing the brain with good nutrients increases intelligence. 

Intelligence is not solely determined by these factors but the interplay between these various factors. There are some which we do not have direct control over but intelligence can still be improved. It can be changed and developed over time thus parents should do their part in ensuring the child gets a supportive and nurturing environment that aims to support better brain growth. 

Written by: Keisha 



Cradle Children Hospital (2023). Which factors affects a child’s intelligence during pregnancy? Retrieved from

Fey, T. (2023). The science of intelligence: 10 surprising factors that affect your IQ. Ideapod. Retrieved from

Griffin, L. (2023). 5 factors that affect children’s intelligence quotient. Pre-school Rock. Retrieved from

Jain, H. (2023). Factors affecting intelligence. Retrieved from     affecting-intelligence-psychology/


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