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Embracing Neurodiversity, Empowering Lives

Our Services

ABA-VB 1-1


Sessions conducted in both English and Mandarin

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is a form of treatment for autism focused on behavior modification. It was first applied during the late 1980s by Dr. Ivar Lovaas, a behavioral psychologist, at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Many subtypes of ABA programs have evolved from there, one of which is namely the Verbal Behavior (VB) approach, based on psychologist B.F. Skinner’s analysis of language (Verbal Behavior, 1957).


According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “behavioral interventions are crucial”. A study by American Academy of Pediatrics on behavioral modification programs over a 5-years period also stated that “children who receive early intensive behavioral treatment have been shown to make substantial, sustained gains in IQ, language, academic performance, and adaptive behavior as well as some measures of social behavior, and their outcomes have been significantly better than those of children in control groups.”

At Healis, we enhance the results of ABA-VB intervention for autism by emphasizing on building close therapist-client relationships and intrinsic motivation to communicate. ABA therapy sessions are most of the time fun and enjoyable, so that our clients always look forward to therapy. We also believe in teaching the functionality of using verbal communication to children on the autism spectrum. Understanding the meaningful purpose of language helps develop in a child the inclination to initiate social interactions. We provide services at the convenience of clients' homes and schools as these are the venues that a child spend most of his or her time at. 

Contact us to arrange for a free intake assessment. 



Sessions conducted in both English and Mandarin

Our Early Intervention Program (EIP) aims to improve social skills, self-help skills, play skills, academic skills, prepare the child for school and more. The principles and pedagogy of how we conduct the EIP lessons are deeply rooted in ABA-VB principles to enhance the learning and development of the child.

This program will be suitable if the child has manageable behaviors in a group setting. Program outline includes circle time, cognitive games, motor skills activities, social skills lessons, worksheets time, arts and crafts and more! Different levels of the program will be catered for foundational and advanced learners depending on the child's existing skillsets.

Each lesson is 3 hours long and will be conducted twice a week either in the morning slot 9am - 12noon or afternoon slot at 2pm - 5pm. In order to ensure every child gets the most optimal attention and benefit the most from the classes, we keep the group size small up to 5 per class and Therapist-student ratio at 1 : 3 max. 

Contact us to arrange for a free intake assessment. 

Social class


Sessions conducted in both English and Mandarin

Social classes are conducted in groups, aimed at teaching a child social awareness and conversational skills. Contrary to public beliefs, a huge number of children with autism are capable of socialising and even enjoy being with people. However, they require additional support to know what to say and how to respond in certain situations. Our social classes will also teach social concepts such as empathy and compassion which contributes to character building.

As a strong advocate of neurodiversity, we understand that most children with Asperger’s Syndrome, ASD or Autism are capable of learning empathy and morals. The objectives of our ABA programs cover beyond acquiring communication and language skills -  we cultivate good manners and qualities such as peserverance and resilience as well. We inculcate strategies to cope with failures and changes early in life and how they can grow exponentially from there. We want our children with autism to enjoy the same opportunities to excel in life as any other child.

Contact us to arrange for a free intake assessment. 

Parent Training


Sessions conducted in both English and Mandarin

While the verbal approach to treating autism is highly effective, it will benefit only when parents are actively involved in the program. We work closely with parents to ensure they understand their child’s behaviors and learn how to manage them. Education promotes understanding and hence reduces stress levels of caretakers tremendously. Consultation between parents, therapists and consultants are carried out regularly. We believe that parents play a significant role in determining their child’s development and should be well-informed of their child’s progress and contribute in setting future goals. 

Counselling sessions are also held regularly for parents who are struggling. In addition, we also offer a platform for parents to come together and share their experiences. Having a supportive community greatly reduces stress levels of caregivers.

Contact us to arrange for a free intake assessment. 

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